as the genesis of All

We’ve been taught that Dark is bad and that Light is good.
Well… what if the Dark is the essence of us all. What if all our Genesis lies in the Dark Matter.
Think, you’re more than atoms!

Everything that can materialize is separated from the dark matter.

It floats out of it.

With the float, time is born. Time is the means that brings Star Matter back to the Dark Matter.

There are two types of Matter

The Star Matter

Everything that we normally consider Reality. The “regular” atoms. The chemical elements that we know as Star Dust, etc. Helium, Hydrogen, Carbon. The things we are made of.

The Dark Matter

If we are to be real, the Dark Matter creates the Light. The Dark Matter is the world that exists in abundance in this Universe and, most interesting, is the World we go with our Mind, Spirit or Soul. Fascinating, isn’t it?